Just The Facts About SSDI And Work Credit Calculations
If you are unable to work at your job, you may be entitled to Social Security benefits. For workers with certain medical or mental conditions, Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) pays a monthly benefit. The approval of benefits is based on several factors, but the primary roadblock for many applicants is the work credit issue. This part of the approval process is complex and most applicants don't need to perform the computations themselves.
The Pre-Trial Steps In Civil Litigation
Anyone engaged with civil litigation as the defendant, the plaintiff, or an interested party needs to understand what the steps in the process are likely to be. Fortunately, the process outlined in American civil law is well-structured. In the broad stroke, here are the steps you can expect to deal with as a civil case moves forward.
1. Notification
To be clear, litigation means someone is suing someone else. One of the first steps is for the plaintiff, the party demanding some sort of compensation or action to resolve a problem, to notify the defending party.
Bankruptcy Actions To Take Before It's Too Late
When it's become increasingly obvious that your financial situation is not going to improve without drastic action, it may be time to consider filing chapter 7 bankruptcy. You can take some perfectly legal actions before you file that might have you getting even more relief out of the filing. Read on and find out about actions to take before it's too late.
Is Your Timing Right?
If you have moved from one state to another in the past several years, you may have some choices when it comes to bankruptcy.
It Doesn’t Take Much for an ERISA Disability Claim to Be Denied
The Employment Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) of 1974 set minimum standards that employer-provided disability insurance plans have to follow. Unfortunately, insurance companies are not exactly eager to pay out any claims, despite ERISA's requirements.
It takes very little for a claim to be denied. Here are some of the most common reasons you may be denied the disability benefits you desperately need:
You Don't Meet the Policy Requirements
Some disability plans allow generous benefits to disabled employees.
Why Do You Need An Attorney To Fight A Traffic Ticket?
It is always wise to work with a traffic law attorney when you face a ticket. While many people do not consider traffic tickets serious, it is beneficial for many people to pursue the case in court so that they can avoid losing their license, adding points to their license, or spending money on fines.
Do you feel unsure if you need a traffic violation lawyer? These are a few reasons why this might be a good option for your situation.
A Messy Yard Plus Bad Weather Can Create Liabilities for Neighbors
Homeowners might not always keep their yards in the neatest condition. Some may leave all manner of objects strewn in the driveway and yard. Tools, chairs, and trash could litter the lawn, and yard waste can pile up. All this disorder can create safety hazards, but people who live alone might not worry about visitors on their property when enclosed by fencing. Placing "no trespassing" signs on the fence in a clear view while also padlocking the gates do tell others to stay out.
Facing Criminal Charges? Know How A Lawyer Can Get Those Charges Dismissed
If you have to go to court to face criminal charges, it is best to work with a lawyer to help defend you in court so that you have the best chance of winning. However, a win does not always mean receiving a not guilty verdict. Your lawyer will actually try to get the case dismissed in court so that you never have to go through a trial. Here are some ways that your lawyer will do this.
Charged with Domestic Violence? How to Avoid Even Bigger Trouble
It's easier than most people think to get a domestic violence charge. Once you've been charged, it's scary to deal with the prospect that you could end up in jail and have a criminal record. That's why you need to do everything in your power to avoid making the situation worse. With this kind of charge hanging over your head, here are some rules you need to remember:
1. Do not talk to the police without an attorney.
3 Divorce Misconceptions You Might Already Believe
Going into your divorce with misinformation will only add confusion to an already uncertain time. While your divorce lawyer will be there to guide and advise you throughout the process, here are three common divorce misconceptions you might need to unlearn.
You Can't Get Divorced Because Your Spouse Won't Agree
As a familiar scenario from many movie and TV plots, you might think you can't get divorced because your spouse will never sign the papers.
Understanding Ex Parte Orders
If you are going through a divorce, you may need immediate assistance on some legal issues that cannot wait until you finalize the divorce. The law is aware of such circumstances and allows divorcing spouses to file for urgent assistance. One way in which you can get such immediate help is to file an ex parte order.
Meaning of Ex Parte Order
An ex parte order is a temporary order that the court can enforce without your spouse's awareness.